Zabbix custom itemInfrastructure/Monitoring 2020. 12. 4. 20:11
Web Service: 80,8080, 8088 jenkins, python -django (NginX, uwsgi) NginX 설정방법 - template - nginx 및 zabbix agent conf설정 => nginx에 http_stub_status_module 설치가 되어있어야 사용가능... 재설치 필요 Web Monitoring으로 http port access 체크 (완료) ssh monitoring으로 jenkins log size check 적용(완료) NTP monitoring - Template Ap..
vCenter for ZabbixInfrastructure/Monitoring 2020. 12. 4. 20:04
download template of vCenter from zabbix share site. Import Tempate to Zabbix Add Host 3-1. click create host button 3-2. insert vCenter information 3-2. select template 3-4. Insert Macros for vCenter certification and URL. Wait few minute, So then discovered host about EXSI hosts, VM's of vCenter.